
TelstraTelstra empoweredempowered itsits tradietradie customerscustomers


  • Technology Strategy
  • Digital Enablement
  • UI/UX
  • Mobile Application
  • Front-End Development

Telstra sought to level up its Trades Assist app.

As Australia’s largest telco, Telstra strives to simplify life for its customers. Its Trades Assist app aimed to offer essential administration and production assistance to busy tradies. But previous app iterations were too technical for its users, and Telstra needed an intuitive, usable solution.

So Trideca led a complete, intuitive re-design.

The Discovery phase focused on user testing, affinity mapping, and a design-led approach to improve usability and intuitiveness by removing clutter from the UI. A Day in the Life of (DILO) study was used to reveal newly addressable workflows. Trideca engineers then worked in-house with Telstra product and development teams to create the solution App and integrate with the backend.

For small business and tradie users to save time and money.

The new Trade Assist app prioritised the most accessed resources to the home screen which streamlined the busy workflow for small businesses —all while requiring zero technical knowledge for use. Telstra tradie customers grew in confidence, with soaring app usage and satisfaction.

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