
We’reWe’re focusedfocused onon
youryour futurefuture advantage.advantage.

Bold business insight and technical mastery from thought leaders who put your needs first and last.

Bold business insight and technical mastery from thought leaders who put your needs first and last.

LiberatedLiberated thinkingthinking andand
engineeringengineering masterymastery
forfor youryour future.future.

We guide and create your emerging tech from the inside out.








Appscore Launched

Trideca launched (as Appscore) by Alex Louey and Nick Bell, with a small team focused on creating innovative digital solutions for startups helping solve everyday problems for consumers.

Appscore Launched

Enterprise Software

Trideca moves its focus to working with enterprise, taking years of rapid delivery and startup culture into a service helping large companies accelerate strategy and software deployment for customer engagement.

Enterprise Software

Time to Scale

Trideca hits the milestone of 50 staff and begins a journey of expansion. Partnership networks grow to include Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, Telstra and other large partners driving innovation and growth.

Time to Scale

Beyond Mobile

Trideca expands services to include UI/UX, cloud and enterprise platform services, while leveraging its ‘inside-out’ technical expertise to develop its leading strategy and advisory practice for clients.

Beyond Mobile

Rapid Growth

Trideca rapidly expands in the enterprise space including banking, finance, telco and government sectors, with high-profile, ASX-listed clients such as Telstra, Auspost and NSW Government.

Rapid Growth

Trideca Emerges

Trideca launches its new name and brand, reflecting its evolution fom software engineering house into future-focused enterprise consultancy specialising in strategy, data, emerging technology and engineering.

Trideca Emerges

HowHow wewe co-createco-create
clientclient impactimpact

Passionate Expertise

Our Australian-based team consistently operate at the forefront of strategy, data, digital-led innovation. We embrace the expertise, passion and diversity of our team, partners and clients. We execute with confidence and don’t charge our clients to learn as we go.


At all stages of our client work we are consistently defining, assessing and addressing evolving customer needs. We look beyond building code, we want to change how your customers engage with your business, both now and into the future.

Strategy to Operations

We partner with clients on creating technology-driven opportunities, from strategy, to development, through to operations. We move quickly, challenge assumptions, check-in often and focus on delivering customer value.

Sustained innovation

We create innovative solutions that sustain business impact. We leverage emerging technologies and flexible architectures to create best-practice solutions, that are resilient to future environments.

We’reWe’re pioneers.pioneers.
InnovationInnovation isis inin ourour nature.nature.

Alex Louey

Chief Executive Officer

Alex is a pioneer of the Australian digital sector. As founding partner of Trideca he mentors a team of 150+ Australian-based digital experts toward industry excellence.

LiberateLiberate youryour thinkingthinking
andand buildbuild youryour advantage.advantage.

ReadyReady toto buildbuild together?together?