This Changes Everything
With expected investment of $200B by 2025, tools such as ChatGPT are rapidly advancing and will create a range of opportunities and challenges which every business and technology leader needs to get ahead of.
So leaders need to think beyond the current engineer-led focus on Generative AI, and focus on understanding possibilities across business models, workforce transformation, competitive environments, risk modelling, supply chain disruptions, and more.
So Informed Decisions Are Crucial
The complexity of impacts and risks of taking wrong steps cause leaders to hold back on key decisions applying generative AI within their business.
Capturing the full context and framing questions around Generative AI impacts will help organisations respond more effectively.
For De-Risking AI Innovation
Taking some initial steps to explore the impact of AI, in contained but practically applied environments, builds momentum towards larger efforts going forward.
So a priority for all leaders should be initial steps to understand, apply and learn from how generative AI can be applied into organisations.
Without these steps, leaders may be seen as out of touch with evolving opportunities, which is a risk no one can afford to take.