


EnterpriseEnterprise datadata strategystrategy
forfor flexibility,flexibility, insightinsight andand


Data is Changing

Only 10% of enterprises are advanced in their insights-driven data capabilities (Forrester, 2023).

This speaks to the limitations and barriers facing enterprises that have moved from databases, to data warehouses/ lakes/wetlands / swamps.

In response to these challenges, a new approach to data management has emerged.

With Data Fabrics

Data fabrics are a secure overlay to an organisation's internal and external data sources, which greatly enhanced actionable insights, and over time, business impact.

Data fabrics allow data to flow smoothly between different applications and stakeholders.

The fabric generates new levels of insights, flexibility for both now and in the future, and avoids the challenges often experienced when transitioning data into monolithic repositories.

For Business Advantage

In addition, this approach is financially efficient (compared to consolidation) and comparatively quick execution.

Data fabrics are an exciting opportunity for progressive IT leaders to explore, based on it's growing value and profile in a rapidly changing environment.